Monday, July 13, 2009

Thing 7a

I subscribed to Joel Osteen's blog. He is such a motivator. He stated "Our words have creative power. With our words, we can either bless or curse our future. If you want to know what you're going to be like 5 years from now, listen to what you're saying about yourself; even the small things you say over your life from "I'll never get that promotion" to "I'm just so tired all the time." The moment we verbalize a thought, whether positive or negative, we give that thought the right to come to pass." Joel Osteen is such a motivator. He says things that we all know but it's good to hear it over again. Life is what you make it.

I wanted to RSS Joel Osteen's wife's blog but I couldn't find the right URL to make it work. Listening to positive motivating words can only make one stronger.

1 comment:

  1. I think their blog is one and the same. I checked it out, and it looks like they each post to the same blog. So, I think you are set if you have subscribed to it already. Very inspirational. :)
